A Healthy Diet

These days there is so much attention paid to the “healthy diet” – cutting down on this, eating plenty of that, avoiding something else. And yet the attention we pay to what our horses are being fed, is minimal. True we buy the best muesli and bricks and goodness knows what – but if we […]

Hay and the Draughthorse – continued

The “experiment” with Laika continues. She is exclusively on a diet of hay and anything that her pasture can offer. Even apples and carrots have been banned from her feed – both contain reasonable quantities of sugars and this is one of the major components we are trying to avoid. The results are very favourable. […]

Hay and the Draughthorse…

Laika has been fed a variety of things since her arrival at the farm: maize, feed pellets, bread/breadcrumbs, apples, carrots, hay etc. Her general performance and stamina have always been somewhat unpredictable – the one moment full of energy and the next like a snail. She could trot a fair distance but always needed encouragement […]