The Military Mindset

As always, there must be something to come between planning and reality. This article should of course been published about a fortnight ago; however, personal family circumstances intervened and took precedence. Here  – at last – is the second of three promised articles. In it, we discuss the general reasoning behind many of the activities […]

Human ⥈ Horse : the balance : Part Three

The final instalment in a series of three Last week, we looked at horse centricity and making life better.This week we round off with making the change and looking at where the problems lie. Making the change Maybe you are already well established in a good horse-human relationship. Maybe you feel the relationship between you […]

Human ⥈ Horse : the balance : Part Two

an article in instalments. Part Three will be published on 15 July. Last week, we finished by discussing dogma-driven, ego-driven and horse-centric. The dogma-driven rider is the one who, often under peer-pressure, resorts to the age old (mis-)conceptions of the horse in the traditional riding-world. The thoughts are with the horse, only tradition has put […]

Human ⥈ Horse : the balance : Part One

an article in instalments. Part Two will be published on 7 July. For most of us, confinement is behind us, albeit there are still restrictions in place for many. It has been a complicated time, probably because of its simplicity and lack of choices — stay in; don’t mingle; keep your distance. Right at the […]