Rhinopneumonia: no longer a problem
The Royal Dutch Horse Sport Federation (K.N.H.S.) has withdrawn all negative advice regarding travel and show events involving horses. In the past few days there have been no new reports of virus outbreaks and the potential of an epidemic seems to have passed. Of course there are now voices shouting about the excessive precaution that […]
Rhinopneumonia – Update
I have written a slightly more detailed update on the Dutch pages because the virus is currently in the news in the Netherlands. Here I shall just give a short update: Since rhinopneumonia (EHV) can only be passed on by direct contact with nasal mucus, it is safe to say that the chances of catching […]
Dutch Christian Democrats call for obligatory reporting of Rhinopneumonia
Horses.nl – CDA wil meldplicht voor rhino – Nieuws – Gezondheid. This article is in Dutch.