TransHu Autumn 2013: Day Seven
Slightly remiss of me, I ended on day six when in fact day seven can still be counted as part of the adventure. Occasionally one or two of the party […]
TransHu Autumn 2013: Day Six
And here we are, sitting at the breakfast table on day seven, writing up the events of the penultimate day. As always, and certainly in retrospect, everything has passed very […]
TransHu Autumn 2013: Day Five
Just a short report today. Our departure from Comus was rapid and without problem. The first part is over quiet metalled roads; after the first col, we took to the […]
TransHu Autumn 2013: Day Four
A very long and tough day – therefore no blog last night. At 08:30 sharp Mr. Many’s minibus whisked us off through the Tunnel de Puymorens to reunite us with […]
TransHu Autumn 2013: Day Three
At 9 sharp, everyone was in the meadow ready to catch, brush and saddle up their horse. At 10 the “caravane” was ready to depart. From La Pastorale at 1500m […]
TransHu Autumn 2013: Day Two
The rest of the group arrived just in time for breakfast and then it was all hands on deck rounding up the horses. Being spread over a few thousand hectares, […]
TransHu Autumn 2013: Day One
Actually day two since I started out yesterday afternoon, but since I didn’t arrive until 08:00 this morning, we’ll call this Day One. Actually a quiet day – people start […]