
Sabots Libres is located in the heart of Occitanie in the South-West of France.

Hygienic Trim: from € 37
Consultancy: from €35.

Travel surcharge: 7,50€ for the first 10km; 0,75€ per subsequent kilometre

Sabots Libres is exempt from VAT according to article 293 B of the CGI (France).

No SIRET : 824 765 374 00015

Payment by card, bank transfer, PayPal or cash. Cheques are no longer accepted.
IBAN : FR76 1310 6005 0030 0103 3293 862

Please contact us for more information.

Accepted Cards



Conditions of Service

Since all adverts referring to the services provided by Sabots Libres direct to this website, every client of Sabots Libres has been offered the possibility to read these conditions of service.

  1. All actions carried out are done so with the utmost care – however, horses are living creatures, each of which can show a different reaction to a similar action. Responsibility for laming, making sensitive or painful or any other reason for the (temporary) unusability of the horse, or for wounds, hoof ulcers, abcesses etc. will not be accepted.
  2. Unless specifically agreed otherwise, all payments are to be payed immediately and in cash
  3. Possible discount will only be given for trimming costs.
  4. The application of a discount over two or more locations only by prior agreement.
  5. Shared discount will not be (fully) applied when the number of horses to be trimmed is less than that which was agreed upon for the discount.
  6. Travel expenses will only be shared by prior agreement and only when all the locations to be visited are within a radius of 15km.